
Session Number:#6
Week Number:#3
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: # goes here
What is/was your overall goal for this week? Continue tutorials and develop a basic understanding of navigating Unity

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
6/12Doing the Linkedin Profile draft30mins Yes because bungie people said it was.
6/13Doing recommendation feedback paper45mins
 6/14Finished recommendation feedback paper30mins
 6/15 Finishing Linkedin profile draft. 

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Remember reflecting on your own choices and work can help you improve both. Are there any other comments you would like to include for your own reflection? If so, please enter them here: 

Linkedin Profile Draft


Sam’s teamwork abilities are unparalleled. I have known Sam since 5th grade and he has always been able to organize activities and goals in our groups for things we have done. Sam can organize a team and identify tasks for each member that contribute to a common goal. We can always make each other laugh in the classes we have together and make them entertaining. Sam is definitely a necessity if you are looking for a team-organizing, extroverted, and entertaining addition to your organization.


Took game design freshman year


Capital High School

Top Skills

Problem Solver





Place the title and year awarded here…


Place the title and year awarded here…


Session Number:#6
Week Number:#2
Total Estimated Hours Contributed this Week: # goes here
What is/was your overall goal for this week? Continue tutorials and develop a basic understanding of navigating Unity

Work Tasks 

Date Task Description Time Spent Was / Were your choices and work Best Practices? Why? 
6/6 Finished the essentials of programming tutorial 50mins Yes
 6/7 Absent x x
 6/8 Absent x x

Personal Comments (Optional) 

Remember reflecting on your own choices and work can help you improve both. Are there any other comments you would like to include for your own reflection? If so, please enter them here: